Yes, But What Did She Do After?
I don’t often lead with THIS any more (however, you can find about 60+ hours worth of podcasts when I DID).
I am a person who survived violence and a death experience. Both of which slays people and keeps them up in a spiral of fear; only listening to the 3 am voice that continually tells them that they should live in fear, they’re unworthy, and no one is there to help.
My 15 Year Passion Project is to erradicate the normalization of violence in our world. I know with great certainty, that healing catapults when we create an ‘after’ from any life challenges, and move toward moments of compassion and authenticity so that people feel seen, heard, and safe to create a life of their dreams.
I hope you lend your voice to the chorus. Together, we have the power to change our innermost circles, leading to a positive impact on the world.
#MoveMomentforChange #IntentionallyFearless
#ViolenceIsNotAnOption #DiscussDebateDisagree